
March 29

Post-Easter Changes: Renters Reform Bill Updates


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The government recently communicated with Conservative MPs, addressing apprehensions surrounding the Renters Reform Bill. In response to concerns over its perceived anti-landlord bias, promises of amendments have been made to alleviate these worries. This move signals an acknowledgment of the need for balance in the legislation’s approach to landlord-tenant dynamics within the rental market.

The reassurance provided to Conservative MPs underscores the government’s commitment to fostering a fair and equitable environment for both landlords and tenants. By actively engaging with stakeholders and considering diverse perspectives, policymakers aim to refine the Renters Reform Bill to better reflect the complexities and nuances of the rental housing sector.


Amendments the Government plans to table to the Bill include:


  • Implementing the housing select committee’s recommendation to restrict tenants from giving a two-month notice to leave until they have resided in a property for at least four months upon the termination of fixed-term tenancy agreements.
  • Conducting a thorough assessment of court capacities before abolishing section 21 for existing tenancies to ascertain the judiciary’s ability to handle the anticipated surge in caseload.
  • Extending the planned ground for possession to cover all forms of student accommodation, including one and two-bed properties, to safeguard the annual rhythm of the student housing market.
  • Reevaluating the necessity of local authority licensing schemes in light of the proposed property portal outlined in the Renters Reform Bill.


Ben Beadle, Chief Executive of the National Residential Landlords Association, addresses the mounting concerns surrounding the Renters Reform Bill. He acknowledges the extensive speculation and off-the-record briefings, which have engendered significant uncertainty among tenants and responsible landlords alike. Amidst this uncertainty, Beadle emphasizes the importance of the government’s mandate to phase out section 21 repossessions, underscoring the necessity for a replacement system that maintains fairness for both tenants and landlords.

In light of the ongoing discussions, Beadle stresses the need for a balanced approach in crafting the proposed changes to the Renters Reform Bill. He advocates for measures that not only address the concerns of tenants but also safeguard the interests of responsible landlords. Central to this is ensuring that any new system put in place is effective and equitable, fostering a rental market that promotes stability and transparency for all stakeholders involved.

Furthermore, Beadle urges swift action from government officials to provide clarity and direction on the future trajectory of the Renters Reform Bill. He highlights the detrimental impact that prolonged uncertainty can have on individuals residing and operating within the private rented sector. By bringing an end to the lack of progress and ambiguity surrounding the bill, policymakers can instill confidence and stability in the rental market, fostering a conducive environment for both tenants and landlords to thrive.

Timothy Douglas, Head of Policy and Campaigns at Propertymark, welcomes the amendments introduced by the UK Government, noting their efforts to address pressing concerns within the rental sector. These amendments aim to strike a fair balance between the security of both landlords and tenants, a development that Propertymark views positively.

Highlighting the collaborative efforts made on behalf of letting agents, Douglas emphasizes the importance of addressing unintended consequences, particularly concerning the removal of fixed-term tenancies, including their implications for student housing. The government’s commitment to reviewing the transition to open-ended tenancies and implementing a six-month tenancy period offers a degree of certainty for agents and landlords, which Propertymark considers beneficial.

Moreover, Propertymark emphasizes the critical role of a well-functioning court system in ensuring the effectiveness of the Renters (Reform) Bill. Douglas applauds the government’s pledge to conduct further assessments and implement measures aimed at addressing existing inadequacies within the court system before the removal of no-fault evictions. This proactive approach aligns with Propertymark’s stance on the necessity of a swift, efficient, and cost-effective judicial process to uphold the interests of all parties involved in the rental market.

“There is still a long way to go before the Renters (Reform) Bill becomes law, so Propertymark will continue to champion the role of property agents and iron out further unintended consequences to ensure the legislation works in practice for all.”


National Residential Landlords Association, PropertyMark UK, Renters Reform Bill

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