
August 9

HMRC Hikes Late Payment Fees for Property Owners


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Landlords who incur late payment penalties from HM Revenue & Customs are now subject to steeper charges. Due to the recent uplift in the Bank of England’s base rate, HMRC has raised its penalties for late payments affecting both landlords and all other taxpayers.

For those making quarterly instalment payments, these new rates kick in from 14th August (coming Monday), while for non-quarterly payments, it’s from the 22nd of August.

HMRC’s interest rates, which are established in law, are tied to the Bank of England’s base rate. The interest for late payments is determined as the base rate plus an additional 2.5%. This means the current rate stands at 7.75%, given the Bank’s recent adjustment of the base rate to 5.25% just the previous week.

When HMRC pays interest due to an overpayment by a taxpayer, the rate is notably lower. This interest is set at the base rate minus 1.0%, with a predetermined lower threshold, often referred to as the ‘minimum floor’, of 0.5%.

HMRC’s communique states, “The gap between interest on late payments and repayment interest aligns with the strategies of tax bodies globally. It also resonates well with the typical commercial standards for interest on loans or overdrafts compared to the interest on deposits. The interest for late payments aims to incentivise timely settlements and promotes equity for punctual taxpayers. Conversely, the interest for repayments justly remunerates taxpayers when they’ve paid in excess, accounting for the time value of their money.”

Given these recent adjustments, it’s advisable for both landlords and taxpayers to reassess their financial commitments and responsibilities. Prioritising prompt payments is crucial to sidestep these heightened interest rates. One can’t help but notice that HMRC’s more rigorous stance mirrors the shifts we’re seeing in financial entities globally.

Particularly for landlords, these alterations come amidst an already challenging backdrop for the property sector. With diminishing tax benefits and mounting costs linked to property upkeep, landlords have recently grappled with several intricate issues. The surge in late payment charges adds another layer of urgency for them to monitor their financial timelines closely.

Specialists in taxation urge the establishment of notifications or markers to prevent bypassing these vital due dates. A few even advocate collaborating with financial experts or tax consultants to guarantee punctual payments. Considering the prospective monetary implications, it seems a prudent decision for many.

Furthermore, it’s captivating to see the parallels between HMRC’s stance on late fees and repayment interests with international benchmarks. This suggests that although Britain’s rates may hold their distinct character, the overall policy direction resonates with the wider global viewpoint on fiscal matters and financial oversight.

For those taxpayers suspecting an overpayment, it’s of paramount importance to address it promptly. While the interest on repayments might not yield significant returns compared to the hefty fines for delinquencies, it’s undeniably a claim that warrants attention.


Read more Property Investing News HERE


Bank of England base rate increase, HMRC interest rates, HMRC late payment penalties, Quarterly instalment payments

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